training services

Absolute K9 is happy to offer you flexible options with our many training services that will meet and exceed all your needs and expectations. We proudly serve Massachusetts and beyond!

Have you ever had any of the following thoughts or questions:

  • My dog pulled my shoulder out when i tried to take her for a walk
  • He just keeps on peeing on the new rug
  • I have to chase him to get him back in the house
  • She won't let anyone into the house without biting them
  • The neighbors have called the police about her incessant barking
  • The darn dog jumps all over me
  • She was too hyper for our previous obedience class
  • If he bites one more time we are going to have to put him to sleep

As you can see, you are NOT ALONE. These are all too common quotes we hear daily from clients just like you that are frustrated with generic obedience classes! Choose from one of the following options below and contact us today to begin on the road to success!


   We always cover any nagging behavior problems that you are experiencing as well, such as: Housebreaking, Jumping, Barking, Nipping, Biting and Destructive Chewing. We also extensively cover the ins and outs of Housebreaking and Crate Training your dog.

start your training journey today!

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